Author: BigJazzz


We’re currently running a giveaway promotion in the #giveaways channel. Go and enter for the chance to win an upgrade to one of our paid subscriptions.

Any questions, please reach out to staff.

Updated Server Addresses

Hey all

If you check the sidebar or the #❗️-server-versions channel in Discord, you’ll notice that the connection addresses have changed. If you’re already connecting with the old addresses you don’t need to do anything. Going forward all servers will be hosted on the domain.

Current Subscribers Offer

If you currently have Donator, Emerald, or Supporter rank and can provide proof (PayPal receipt, for example), we will add the following additional time to your subscription:

  • Donator: 1 month
  • Emerald: 2 months
  • Supporter: 3 months

Send your proof to BigJazzz, darkcamo12, or NexusPanda on Discord.

New Site

Welcome to our new site! Whether you’re a current player, returning after a hiatus, or new to CraftAU, please visit the sign up page to create your account. You can also link your account to Discord; this will ensure that your rank moves over automatically if you upgrade.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the staff on Discord. 😀
